
Shanghai Chronicles. 10. Visit

В конце мая я съездил в Шеньчжень, Фошань и Шанхай. Если в Шеньчжене мои визиты часто ограничиваются встречами с друзьями из барного бизнеса и финансов, походами в “якитори” и коктейль-бары, а в Фошане я обычно играю в настолки, то в Шанхае была более обширная программа.

This post is about my travel to Shanghai. In May, upon my arrival back to Hong Kong, I decided to get a Chinese visa as soon as possible and head to Shanghai, checking my friends in Shenzhen and Shunde first. My Shunde and Shenzhen visits were limited to eating, drinking, and playing board games. The Shanghai trip was more complex.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong chronicles 05

So, dear fellas, long time no talk. I’m in Hong Kong since August. Slowly doing my research, and other things will explain here. And some summary on what was done, what should be done by the end of the year.